DROP Coaching demystified

What happens inside my DROP Coaching?

Let's dive deep into it...

1. Define Your Ideal Version

The first step is to visualize and step into the ideal version of your life.

The worst thing about it?

Most people never do that.

They know what they DON'T WANT to experience.

They rarely stop to consider how their life will be without their issues.

So, this is what we do.

With clarity and precision (and a little bit of hypnosis on top of it) we define your ideal life.

The best thing about it?

Every single person knows exactly what they want.

Even if you think you don't know it...trust me, you know.

2. Remove Mental Blocks

Once your unconscious got a goal to aim toward, it's time for cleanup.

You know what you want.

But you are not there yet.


Because there's a mental block (or 2) that prevents you from it.

We remove these blocks by using TFT tapping and Hypnoanalysis.

Works every single time.

What happens after?

Your life becomes "lighter" because you DROP what you've been carrying for a very long time.

3. Optimize Your Beliefs

Our attention goes to your inner programming.

Beliefs are like lines of code that "program" you to be and do and perceive the world in a specific way.

Your "inner computer" can work almost perfect...

But if there's one line that is against your goal, you'll suffer.

Call it whatever:

• self-sabotage

• procrastination  

• internal resistance

All these are the result of inappropriate beliefs.

This step is about fixing all these lines of code.

4. Practice New Skills

The difference between the life you live right now and the life you want to live comes down to 1 thing:

Your habits.

The last step of DROP approach is generating new habits.

The last step is about practicing these habits daily.

Not only in real life, but also in your mind.

DROP is here to redesign an area of your life into how you want it.

Once you know the process, it's far easier to do the same for other areas.

The best part about my 1:1 coaching?

All the techniques we use are yours to keep.

You will learn all this and more:

• Visualization

• Self-hypnosis

• TFT tapping sequences

• Trauma release exercises

• Belief installation process

My goal with coaching is quite simple:

For you to become self-sufficient.

So you don't need anyone to help you with your issues going forward.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take of yourself by yourself?

If yes, contact me and let's have a chat.

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