Hypnosis Part 7 - Hypno-Analysis

Hypnosis once engaged can be used to give suggestions for change. However, sometimes hypnosis is utilized for the purpose of discovering the causes of problems and to assist in their resolution. For this we use what is called Hypno-analysis. In this Part we will cover various types of Hypno-analysis techniques and when we use them.

Uses of Hypno-Analysis

As discussed in Hypnosis Part 4 – Conscious vs. Unconscious Mind of the series, the unconscious mind stores all memories and experiences that have occurred for an individual. Importantly, it is not only the memory of the experiences that are stored, but also the individual’s perception of those events at that point in time. As we have also discussed, for various reasons which include the possibility of overwhelm and the unconscious's protective nature of the conscious mind, the memories of the experience and the persons point in time perception may not be available to the conscious. Even though this information may not be consciously available, the individual’s behaviors (as they too are influenced by the unconscious) will be in alignment with these inaccessible factors. Thus, making change at purely a conscious level might be very difficult to achieve.

The aim of Hypno-analysis is to gain insights into the past to find the causes of current problems. In some cases, insights alone with the person’s current experiences are sufficient to bring about a change in the individual’s current reality. In some cases further work is required. Once the insights are gained as to the cause of the problem, the therapist can then use various interventions to bring about the desired change. In these cases we may use direct suggestions for the client to apply new information and resources that the client has obtained since the experience, to update their perception of the event and therefore their current manifest behavior. Alternatively, if the client has not gained the appropriate information and resources since the event, these can be created via suggestion.

Techniques of Hypno-Analysis

There are multiple techniques of Hypno-analysis we use for the benefit of our clients:

  • Classic Ideo-Motor Responses
  • ldeo-motor True/False Responses
  • Dream it Out Technique
  • Play Back Technique
  • Personal Confrontation Technique
  • Regression

The first two techniques are the eliciting of the ideo-motor phenomena. The ideo-motor responses can be used in conjunction with all other techniques as well as when using direct suggestion methods to have a direct communication with the unconscious. This allows us to have an understanding of what is going on for the client at any stage.

All the other techniques are used for gaining insight into the past to find causes for current issues. Although we use all the techniques we describe in this part, the most used technique by far is Regression, which we will cover in the following Part (Hypnosis Part 8 – Regression).

Classic Idea-motor Responses

The unconscious is always communicating. With this technique we can create a specific channel where this communication can be easily identified and utilized. This may be used in conjunction with any other technique. Once set up, we can engage in the direct communication with the unconscious mind.

We can use finger movements or head movements as they are one of the easiest to see. However, we are not limited to these and we can use movement of any part of the body for the ideo-motor signaling.

Ideo-motor True/False Responses

This is useful for people with a strong moral compass, a strong sense of right and wrong and strong spiritual beliefs that the client actually adheres to. It can be used with other clients but normal ideo-motor signaling without the true/false addition may be better used.

Under trance the suggestion is given that the client’s finger is an insidious one and will bend if they aren't telling the truth or are hiding something. It gives them the impression that the movement of that finger is beyond their control. In this way, when they tell a lie, they give themselves away by moving the finger, thereby keeping the process on the right track towards the resolution of the underlying issue.

Dream It Out Technique is used when there are multiple conditions or possible causes of an issue.

The Dream It Out Technique

This technique is used on patients with multiple psychosomatic conditions instead of on clients where there is only one specific neurotic condition. Clients suffering from multiple psyche-neurotic symptoms dread open discussion of their problems. By this technique, open discussion is reduced considerably, and yet the client is enabled to gain insight into the conditions causing the problem.

This techniques is used in areas where the client is unclear about causes, where it is unclear if one 'root' cause started the problem or it was multiple experiences over time that lead to the problem. We use this when the client feels overwhelmed by the possibilities of why it might have started.

The Play Back Technique

The Play Back method is somewhat old school, however it can be effective. This technique is useful when the client refuses to listen to the advice of anyone else and continues to do the problem regardless of the proposed benefits of trying a new way. By using the play back method we will feedback to the client information that 'makes sense to them' and is agreed to by them because in reality it came from them.

The Personal Confrontation Technique

Used for problems where there is a denial of the inter-relationships that are causing the problem. In a deep trance, the client is guided to experience remarkable unedited / non ego censored play-drama in which the individual problems are acted out, missing no details, connections or realities. Through this method the client gains an insight into his own problems and the causes of them. Due to the suggestions that the individual will see it as it actually is rather than covered by 'ego' mechanisms it can obviously be confronting, so awareness and consideration need be used for this process.

Summary of Part 7 – Hypno-analysis

In this Part we described the various tools for Hypno-analysis, below is a summary of the Hypno-analysis techniques and their uses. We focus on Regression and different techniques in the following Part of the series.

Hypno-Analysis techniques and their uses.

Would you like to experience hypnosis for yourself? Contact us here for free 30 minute session and let's discuss it together.

The Part 8 of the series about Hypnosis focuses on the Regression. Continue with Part 8 here.

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